of cyber attacks start with a phishing email*
1 in every 101 emails is an attempted cyber attack
±58% of cyber attacks are targeted against small businesses
The World Economic Forum includes cyber attacks alongside global warming as one of the biggest threats facing our world
It only takes one employee to unknowingly open the door...
There is a 43% chance for South African businesses to experience a data breach from a cyber attack
(highest in the world)
This cyber security awareness micro course is for any of your employees who...
  • do not know how to identity an authentic looking phishing email.
  • use their mobile devices to read work emails, access your internal network or systems.
  • take their work laptop home.
  • reuse either their personal or work-related passwords.
  • are not aware of password best practices.
  • have accepted a social media invitation from someone they didn’t know.
  • are not aware of social engineering and impersonation techniques used by hackers to steal login credentials, exfiltrate sensitive data or install malware on your network.
  • would plug a foreign USB device into their work computer.
Get impactful* and to-the-point
cyber security training for your employees.
*includes 40 practical tips to implement immediately!

What outcomes can you expect from this micro course?
Your employees will...
  • know more about cyber threats, how to identify and protect against them.
  • understand high-risk online habits.
  • have practical tips to mitigate high-risk actions.
  • know how to better safeguard their login credentials with password best practices.
  • obtain 3.5 CPD hours (FPI approved)
Your business will...
  • reduce its vulnerability for a cyber attack or data breach.


Pricing as low as R249/individual


Number of individuals Price/individual
1 - 5 R499
6 - 15 R449
16 - 39 R399
50 - 79 R349
80+ R249




All prices include VAT.
Is this course registered for Continious Professional Development (CPD)?

Yes, this course is registered at the Financial Planning Institute (FPI) for CPD training.

On successful completion of the course, each attendee will receive a certificate with 3.5 CPD hours/points.


Will my employees be assessed?

Yes, their understanding of cyber risks and the role they play in safeguarding access to their own, as well as your business' information and technology, will be assessed during each lesson.

Does each employee receive a Certificate of Completion?

Yes, if they've passed the minimum assessment requirement of 60%.

How does the training work?
  1. The micro course is divided into 5 lessons.
  2. It should be completed within 2 weeks for maximum impact but can be finished within a single sitting.
  3. A lesson typically:
    • introduces a new cyber risk,
    • provides real life examples of the risk, and
    • "best practices" the employee can immediately take action on, getting quick wins in the fight against cybercrime.
  4. Questions are asked at the end of each lesson to assess their understanding of the cyber threats and prompt them to adopt safer cyber habits.

What is a phishing email?

A phishing email is a targeted and sophisticated email that looks authentic and attempts to trick the recipient into clicking a link to a webpage or opening a malicious attachment.

Links to webpages could install malware on the person’s computer or deceive them into entering their username and password. (This has happened to users of Google, Microsoft Office & Netflix)

On opening a malicious attachment malware is usually installed on the recipient’s computer and spread to the network.

Phishing emails remain the easiest way for cyber criminals to gain access to private networks in order to steal money, download data and disrupt operations.

What is a cyber attack?

It’s an attack, via the Internet, targeting a business’ use of Internet-connected technology for the purpose of:

  1. disrupting, disabling, destroying, or maliciously controlling servers, its network, personal computers, mobile devices or Internet-of-Things sensors,
  2. for destroying the integrity of the data, or
  3. stealing information.
What is malware?

It’s malicious software intentionally designed and distributed to cause damage. Malware comes in the form of viruses, worms, trojan horses, ransomware, CEO Fraud or Business Email Compromise (BEC), spyware, keyloggers, etc.

Reports where this website's statistics come from:
  1. Email Statistics Report, Radicati Group, 2017-2021
  2. Email Threat Report, FireEye, 2018
  3. 2017 State of Cybersecurity in Small & Medium-Sized Businesses report, Ponemon Institute, 2017
  4. The Global Risks Report 2019, World Economic Forum, 2019
  5. 2018 Cost of a Data Breach Study: Global Overview, Ponemon Institute, 2018